
Selasa, 27 September 2016



Good Afternoon ladies and gantelman I respect for my lecture miss ayu and I proud for you my friend I dont forget to say thank to the god because blessing the god we can gether in this pleace campus lp2b internnational gianyar 

ladies and gantelman thank for your time  I would like to tell you speech about '' tourism object in kintamani distrret bangli regency it's batur global geopark " it's located 40 KM from denpasar city  by motor cycle or car  it's beautifull tourism destination that very famous in bali the lot of  people in there work as parmer because in there central of fruit and vegetable in batur global geopark  has beautyfull view like mount and lake in there you also can feel extrem cold temprature that you can not feel in other pleace ladies and gantelman but the beauty of it missing because lot of trash  spread in there which cause by ilegal traders and someone discard trash carelessly well it's problem that must be resolved by goverment special for departement of tourism in bangli regency well we should always keep clean area of tourism object and anywhere so always clean green and beautyfull when visit guest so that lot of touris came to bali and intres come to kintamani batur geopark 

ladies and gantelman I think enough for my speech as human I can't escape from the mistake and I don't forget to apologize for you all thank so much for your nice attention 
I hope my speceeh useful in your life in the world